After creating your recipients, you can check their account activation status and send or resend the invitations. There are several activation statuses.
To view them, go to the Beneficiaries tab of your platform.
Banners appear at the end of the line, indicating the following information:
- Pending activation: The invitation has been sent, is scheduled for a specific date or has already been created. On the line of the beneficiary, by moving the mouse, one can see the date it was sent or the date it will be.
- Unscheduled invitation: Account created but invitation not generated.
💡 If no status is entered, your employee’s account is active.
You can also access this data from the collaborators button (on the left of your space). Here, you will be able to:
- Filter by status, the accounts of your employees waiting for activation
- Export a file of all beneficiaries who have not activated their accounts by clicking on the CSV button in the top right corner.
💌 Good to know
If your employee has not received the invitation email, please visit our help page: Send an activation invitation to my beneficiaries