Invitations are the automatic emails that allow users to activate their accounts.
On your admin space, you can send invitations if necessary đ
đ©âđ» Send invitation for a single collaborator
- Go to the Collaborators menu
- Find and click on the profile
- Click the Resend Invitation button
đ It is also possible to make a referral from the Recipients tab search for profile
Click on the envelope at the end of the line on the right.
đ©âđ» Send invitations to all your employees
- Go to the Collaborators menu
- Status: filter on Pending activation
A yellow banner will appear indicating the number of employees waiting for activation.
You can then click on Send invitations. Each recipient who has not yet activated their account will receive an email.
đ Need help?
For more information on status, see: View my beneficiary account activation status
If the email is still not sent, please contact us.