This article explains how to find out the status of your order, check the number of meal vouchers loaded or find out to which address a card has been sent!
Go to the Orders & Invoices section of your Swile account.
🤔 How can I find out the status of my order?
Your Swile history lets you check the status of each of your orders. Once the order has been validated, new beneficiaries can be created, accounts topped up and cards dispatched.
Pending status: We are waiting for your payment, or proof of payment, before we can validate the order.
In preparation status: The order will be validated automatically within 24 hours if you are on direct debit, or if it is an order equal to €0.
It may also be in preparation, because you chose a top-up date a long time ago and your beneficiaries have not yet been topped up. In this case, your order has been validated, rest assured!
Pending administrator approval status: The order can be processed once the administrator has approved it. The manager can place an order, but cannot validate it. Only the administrator will be able to validate it and proceed to the payment stage (the administrator will then receive an email inviting him/her to validate the order that has just been placed).
Cancelled status: The order cannot be processed because it has been cancelled. Please check the payment status and come back to us if the order has been paid.
Order processed status: The cards have been dispatched, the new beneficiaries have been created, and the top-ups should appear on your employees' accounts. If only Top-up is indicated, this means that no cards have been created for this order.
🧐 How can I check the number of meal vouchers loaded onto my beneficiaries' accounts?
Directly on the order history!
On the line corresponding to a beneficiary, you'll find the number of vouchers loaded as well as their face value. All you have to do is search by name.
You can also export all your orders to a CSV file. This will allow you to keep track of them in Excel format. To do this, simply click on Export, in the top right-hand corner of the Orders & Invoices tab.
🚛 How do I find the delivery address for a card?
When you open your order, you will find its summary (order date, validation date, number of cards ordered, etc.).
You can then sort your order, displaying only the beneficiaries for whom you have ordered a card. Simply tick the With card box in the Beneficiaries section. Move your mouse over the 💳 of one of the beneficiaries and the delivery address will appear.