You've activated the reimbursement on invoice option, and some of your beneficiaries want to send you claims. The first thing to do is to set up a rule for your beneficiaries.
đź“’ Create an invoice reimbursement rule
To create your rule and define the conditions :
- Log in to your gift voucher administrator space
- Click on the Subventions tab, then New Subvention (or click directly on the + at the top of the page, then Subvention).
- Choose the type of subvention Reimbursement on invoice
👉 Step 1 - General information
- Give your subvention a title
- Add a description (reimbursement conditions, supporting documents required, etc.)
- If you have subscribed to the CSE / gift voucher offer, define whether your employees and/or their dependents should benefit from this subvention.
- Define eligibility criteria if necessary. 🚨 From now on, the seniority criterion is considered as discriminatory and leads to the loss of the benefit of social exemptions. See the URSSAF page on this subject for more information.
🔍 This information will be visible to beneficiaries, making it easy to identify the subvention and related terms and conditions.
- Click on “Next"
👉 Step 2 - Budget
- Allocate a maximum amount (in euros) per beneficiary. This is the maximum expenditure per beneficiary.
- Click on Next
🔍 You can view the max forecast budget live on the right-hand insert. The number of beneficiaries takes into account the total number of active beneficiaries on your platform. This budget may vary if a beneficiary is added or deactivated.
👉 Step 3 - Validity period
- Define a start date for the subvention and an end date.
- You can then decide whether the rule is renewed every month
👀 Example: You have assigned an amount of €100 per beneficiary, a start date on 01/01 and an end date on 07/31. The option “Would you like the amount allocated to beneficiaries to be renewed at the beginning of each month?” is active, so beneficiaries will have €100 per month over 7 months (from January to July).
- If the “Would you like the amount allocated to beneficiaries to be renewed at the beginning of each month?” option is checked, you can decide to carry forward the balance not used by beneficiaries to each month.
👀 Example: Using the data from the previous example, if you activate the balance carryover, a beneficiary who has used €40 of his €100 in January will receive €140 in subsidies in February (€40 carryover + €100 February subsidy).
- Click on “validate the grant” and your rule is validated 🥳
đź“’ List of reimbursement rules
In the Subventions tab, you can view all the rules set up (shop or invoice reimbursement).
You can filter on reimbursement-type subvention rules by clicking on the Filter button and then selecting the Reimbursement Type.
🔍 You can archive a subvention. Once archived, it will no longer be available to beneficiaries. Archived subventions are available in the subventions tab, then Archived.
đź’¸ Accepting or refusing a reimbursement request
See our dedicated page : [Subvention] How do I track and accept invoice reimbursement requests ?