How do I activate the use of meal vouchers on Sundays and public holidays?

Restaurant vouchers can be used for food purchases from Monday to Saturday, excluding Sundays and public holidays - except for people working on those days.

So if your beneficiaries work on Sundays and public holidays, you can activate the use of the card on these days directly from your administrator account.

👉 For all your beneficiaries

  • Go to your administrator area
  • Settings tab
  • Activate the ‘Authorise use on Sundays and public holidays’ button
    By validating this operation, all your beneficiaries will be able to use their cards on Sundays and public holidays.

Capture d’écran 2024-08-19 à 17.06.15.png

The option applies to all beneficiaries.
If some of your employees do not work on Sundays and public holidays, they are not entitled to benefit from this option.

You can then modify it, on a case-by-case basis, on each beneficiary record by following the procedure below 👇

👉 For an existing beneficiary

  • From the ‘Employees’ or ‘Beneficiaries’ menu, search for the beneficiary concerned
  • At the bottom, deactivate ‘Usable on Sundays and public holidays’.

Capture d’écran 2024-08-19 à 17.08.45.png


📌 If your beneficiaries working on Sundays are in the minority, you can also leave the option available from your settings, inactive, and activate it for some of your beneficiaries, on a case-by-case basis, again from the ‘Employees’ tab.

👉 For some of your beneficiaries via CSV file

  • Click on New order
  • Import via file’ button and tick “Manage the use of Sundays and public holidays by beneficiary”.
  • Generate the import file and insert it with the correct information (Yes/No)
  • Finalise the order

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