Cancelling a meal voucher order

Have you made a mistake on an order and want to cancel it? Find out in this article how and when to cancel a voucher order.

👉 How do I cancel an order?

  • Go to your meal voucher administrator area
  • Orders & invoices tab
  • Click on the order concerned
  • Click on Cancel order

Capture d’écran 2024-08-16 à 11.42.05.png

📌 Good to know

If the button is greyed out, the order has already been validated. You won't be able to cancel it, you'll have to wait for it to load and follow the advice below👇 :

👉 The button is greyed out
➡️ You have not credited enough vouchers for your employee:You will need to place a new order to top up the missing vouchers.
Simply click on New Order, then 'Credit your beneficiaries' accounts and follow the usual ordering steps.

➡️ You have mistakenly credited too many meal vouchers to one or more beneficiaries:

Once the meal vouchers have been credited, you will need to make a request to Adjust your beneficiary's balance. We explain everything about this in our dedicated article: Loading error - Adjusting an employee's balance

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