If you manage several companies, you can place a single order for all your entities at the same time! 🎉
👩💻 Visibility of your entities
First of all, make sure that different companies appear on your administrator space. If this is not the case, contact your Swile contact and we'll add them for you!
1. Click on New order, then on Multi-company order and Continue
You will be taken directly to the CSV import file customisation page.
2. Customise, complete and import the CSV import file
- Tick the boxes that interest you. Each tick adds a column to your file, giving you a personalised result! Please note: depending on your account settings, your employees can order their cards themselves. In this case, you don't need to specify the delivery points.
- Click on Generate export file
- A file will be downloaded to your computer: open it and fill it in
🧐 How do I fill in the different columns in the CSV file?
- Company Swile Identifier column: This identifies your various entities, represented by a 3-letter prefix. The correspondence between these prefixes is given in the right-hand column. In the case below, if the employee belongs to Swile, ASJ should be entered in column A. This identifier can be changed in the Settings tab of your account.
- Delivery point identifier column (to be filled in only if you are in charge of ordering the cards)
- Indicate 1 if the cards are to arrive at the head office of the entity indicated (if you have set up several delivery points in the ‘company profile’ tab, you will need to indicate 1, 2, 3, etc. by following the instructions in the right-hand column).
- Indicate D if the cards are to arrive at the employee's home address and fill in the full address in the following columns, using the ‘additional address’ column if necessary (be careful not to exceed the maximum of 38 characters per field, including spaces).
3. Set the account activation and meal voucher loading dates
Depending on what you have chosen (ordering cards and/or loading meal vouchers), you will be asked to choose :
- The desired loading date
- The date on which you want your employees to receive their account activation e-mail
4. Choose your payment method
- The default payment method is bank transfer. You will need to make a transfer for each purchase order received (or a global transfer for all invoices).
- If you wish to pay by direct debit, a SEPA mandate must be entered on each company. If this is not yet the case, please contact your Swile representative to set up this payment method.
5. Finalise your order
- Accept the terms and conditions and confirm your order 🎉
6. Track the status of your order and find your invoice
- Once your order has been finalised, follow its progress in the Orders & Invoices tab.
- This is where you'll find the contents of your orders and the corresponding invoices.
💌 Invoices
Even if you've placed a single order, you'll get an invoice for each entity!
The invoice can only be downloaded once the vouchers have been issued. To find out more, see our dedicated page: Order forms and meal voucher invoices.